Hello World!

I've got for you a blog where you can find probably everything you need. Right from the various messengers (download links), right from various fancy gadgets to decorate the desktop to various themes and fonts. A place where you can find out the solution to many problems including a small program (in kbs) being able to replace the antivirus software of hundreds of MB's and much more.

Hope the blog adds to the addiction and excitement of sitting on the PC for hours and makes the things which used to bug you the most, exciting.

Browse through the blog and keep yourself updated. Looking forward for your feedback...

Safari Web Browser

Experience the web, Apple style, with Safari: the fastest, easiest-to-use web browser in the world. With its simple, elegant interface, Safari gets out of your way and lets you enjoy the web, up to 2 times faster than Internet Explorer.
The fastest web browser on any platform, Safari loads pages up to 2 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2.
And it executes JavaScript up to 2.8 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2. What does all that mean for you? Less time loading pages and more time enjoying them.

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